Handmade Hemp Passport Bags

Nepal Craft Shop is leading hemp product manufacturer and supplier since decades. We export all of our hemp related product around the world. We have different kinds of eco and environment-friendly hemp passport bags with wide range of color which are most popular around the world. Handmade hemp passport bags are the unique and special product which can be easily found in different designs, color and hand embroidery. Nepal Craft Shop is a leading handmade handicraft company in Nepal, so it can be trusted. After travelling many countries we found that price of hemp product is very high so we decided to offer even a single item at wholesale price with buying at least 15 kg (1 piece of different item) from our shop.


Terms and Condition: We have listed only available item and you can choose any single item but not less than 15kg because of shipping cost. Our Vision is please purchase at least 15 kg all our handmade product form Nepal on wholesale price.

Why price is reasonable: we have a large stock of goods in factory & we ship directly from Nepal but not less than 15 kg. We take reasonable shipment price on more than 15 kg. So our price is 5x reasonable than other retail websites.

Note: if you buy at least 15 kg from our shop you will get even a single item at wholesale price & and packaging box will be gifted from us.

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